BreatheEZ™ Building Wraps are ideal billboards for advertising your company name and logo to a targeted and interested audience. Look at our photos and videos on our Custom Print House Wrap Page.
KB Building Products provides a high quality economically priced House Wrap product. In today’s economic times, we feel that you don’t need to overpay for House Wrap. KB Building Products has nowhere near the overhead like our competitors like Dupont, Dow, and Pactiv. Because of our low overhead, we pass the savings on to you.
BreatheEZ™ House Wrap is a woven polyethylene product, engineered with micro-perforations, water vapor is allowed to escape from the substructure to promote drying in wall systems. When House Wrap is properly installed it can eliminate the mold and mildew that can occur in framing components and absorbent sheathing materials while improving the home’s energy efficiency. Click here to view the BreatheEZ™ brochure [PDF].
BreatheEZ™ Sheathing Tape is a thin, strong, white polypropylene film coated with an aggressive cold weather acrylic adhesive system. This system was specially formulated to have excellent performance characteristics at both sub-freezing temperatures and elevated temperatures along with good quick stick for ease in applying. Call for pricing.